ATTENTION: Coaches, Consultants & Service Professionals:
How to Double, Triple & Even Quadruple Your Revenue with...
"I love your brilliant marketing brain!" proclaims Karyn, another satisfied client of The Aussie Hermit's consulting program...
From The Man Cave of The Aussie Hermit
AKA: Luke Charlton
February, 2020
Dear Friend,
Would you like to bring in more clients?
Sell more courses?
Or maybe even scale your ad campaigns beyond $1,000/day?
If so, you're in the right place.
You see, my pink, juicy, marketing brain and I have a consulting program that can help you do just that.
It's called "Brain of Luke" Consulting.
Why's it called that?
Well, over the years there's one similar phrase I've heard my clients say over (and over) again...
"Luke, I love the way you think!"

"Luke, you've got a brilliant marketing brain!"
"Luke, I wish I could just scoop out your brain to use in my business every day!"
(Yes! People have actually said these things and more. Many being far too weird to publish here.)
So you can see...
They don't want me for my looks (☹️), they simply want me for my "brilliant" marketing brain.
That's the bad news.
The good news is - I've decided to put this brilliant brain up for hire!
Even better - if you're the right person...
This luscious, lumpy mass sitting in my skull will help you double, triple and even quadruple your revenue.
A big promise to be sure.
But one my brain feels confident in making.
The reason?
In a word - experience.
They don't want me for my looks (☹️), they simply want me for my "brilliant" marketing brain.
The Pink Blob Inside My Noggin Has Spent $7M+ on Ads, Generated Over 500,000 Coaching/Consulting Leads, Sent More than 1 Billion Emails, and Banked 40M+ in Revenue for Clients
And this is why so many flock to yours-hermity.
They want to leverage that experience in their own business to shortcut their path to success.
There's another BIG reason I feel confident my marketing brain can double, triple and even quadruple your revenue...
That reason?
This program is hands on.
Meaning - no matter what marketing plan this mushy mass between my ears creates for you...
We hand-hold you through it every step of the way.
That includes:
Telling you exactly what to write (and not write) in your ads, emails, and landing pages to boost clicks, appointments and sales...
Showing you how to setup, start and scale profitable advertising campaigns beyond $100/day, $1,000/day, and even $10,000/day (should you want to run ads)...
Demonstrating what to do to create, position and sell your programs, courses and offers that has your market climbing, clawing and clamouring over themselves to buy...
Explaining what you need to say (and not say) in your sales conversations to close more high-ticket clients without the salesy tactics...
And that's just the beginning.
Here's Who This Program is a Good Fit For (and Also Not a Good Fit For)...
Most of the 40M+ in revenue we've helped our clients generate has been inside the Coaching, Consulting and Service markets.
Meaning, for every $1 you invest with us you should expect to get back at least $5 on the low end.
Here's What to Do Next...
With that being said...
WARNING: Time is a Factor
-Luke Charlton